Five Ways You Can Join The Fight Against Substance Abuse

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In an era of thriving pop culture, where music, film, and fashion stars have a significantly high influence on the younger population, but many of them cannot be said to be exerting such influence rightly enough with their glamorisation of substance abuse, the fight against substance abuse cannot be left to organisations and individuals. It’s everyone’s fight.

MTN Anti-Substance Abuse Programme (ASAP)

According to reports published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, roughly 50% of individuals with severe mental disorders are affected by substance abuse. The World Health Organisation (WHO) also says at least 31 million people worldwide suffer from drug use disorders which the prevalence is said to be highest among people in their 20s.

While there is no fix-all remedy or one guaranteed way in the fight against this scourge, there are some unique ways everyone can be part of the fight to complement the efforts of organisations like the MTN Foundation championing the fight against substance for more than five years.

Here are five ways you can also join the fight against substance abuse;

Volunteering at rehabilitation facilities

Make contact with your neighbourhood rehab facilities and offer to help as a volunteer. If you have the proper credentials, you can provide your professional services, such as counselling or therapy, or you can organise recreational events, mentor addicts in recovery, or in other ways.

Encourage policy changes

Participate in advocacy campaigns aimed at influencing substance abuse-related policy changes. Join or support organisations that promote harm reduction tactics, improved access to treatment and rehabilitation programs, and improved drug regulation. Use social media to lobby for policy change, write emails to your local politicians, or take part in lawful demonstrations. A yearly advocacy walk is organised by organisations like the mobile telecom firm MTN Nigeria through its Foundation as one of its activities during the annual Anti-Substance Abuse Programme (ASAP).

Encourage prevention initiatives in schools

Work together with educational institutions and schools to put drug misuse prevention initiatives in place. Offer to lead interactive sessions, workshops, or parent- and student-focused awareness initiatives. We can provide young people the tools to make wise decisions by educating them about the dangers and repercussions of substance addiction.

Work as a volunteer for organisations

Participate in neighbourhood programs that address drug misuse prevention, treatment, or recovery support. Offer your time and expertise to help in a variety of ways, such as event planning, fund raising, or mentoring recovering addicts. By volunteering, you directly support these organisations’ work and significantly improve the lives of individuals who are impacted.

Act as a Good model

Promote a healthy, drug-free lifestyle by setting an example. Take part in activities that put a priority on your physical and emotional well-being, such as self-care routines, hobbies, and exercise. You motivate others and establish yourself as a role model for people trying to overcome addiction by showcasing the advantages of a drug-free lifestyle.

Your participation in the fight against drug misuse can have a multiplicative effect, promoting a culture of support, comprehension, and recovery. Together, we can significantly impact the situation and assist people in reclaiming their lives from the grip of addiction.

The fight against substance abuse can start from you and I and remember it’s still everyone fight

Many Nigerians will have the opportunity to take part in the fight against substance addiction when they observe the International Day Against Drug addiction and Illicit Trafficking (World Drug Day) on June 26, 2023, thanks to the schedule of events during MTN’s ASAP 2023

The post Five Ways You Can Join The Fight Against Substance Abuse appeared first on Nigerian Entertainment Today.