Intelligent customer experience system

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Intelligent Customer Experience (iCX)

Customer experience (CX) is one of the buzzwords commonly used by organisations that offer services to their teeming customers through different digital channels. It’s the perception of your product/service throughout the customer lifecycle. However, while it’s important to offer quality products and services to your customers, after-sales support is highly imperative and this is where a lot of service providers struggle to satisfy their customers.

Be proactive in the way you meet the expectations of your consumers by incorporating intelligent assistants. Don’t wait for your customers to report a problem; your digital product should be personalised because this enhances the user experience of whatever service you render.

How can we implement this?

The starting point is to identify the components of the service or product you’re offering your customers before having an automated feedback mechanism that ultimately connects the personalised experiences of your users to your in-house project management system.

Evaluate your existing analytics tools and personalise the experience of your customers by recording vital metrics like time spent on a page or how long it takes to complete an action. For instance, if you have an e-commerce website, you can record the average checkout time of each customer and use that as a benchmark for subsequent purchases.


The components

  1. Client App: The playground is your client application which can be on any form factor. In most cases, this is the digital channel through which your customers interact with your product. In addition to conventional client applications that run on web, mobile, and desktop, voice-based or virtual reality apps that run on smart home devices and head gears can also be considered.
  2. Analytics Engine: This comprises a custom analytics tool, database, and a micro service hosted on-premise or cloud. This is where the intelligence of this system is warehoused.
  3. Project Management Tool: An integration is required between this and the analytics engine. The auto-generated tickets should also trigger an email sent to the group or team that should resolve the escalation.
  4. Enterprise mail: This represents the exchange server being adopted by an organisation.
  5. Push Notification: This could be your existing push notification server/provider and it should manage the push notification that will be sent to the client app and the email that a customer receives based on the user’s inconsistent experience.

It’s time to wow your customers

Start by integrating your analytics tool with the client application (if this doesn’t exist) and connect it to an internally managed micro service via an API.

Then you can add tags and events to “record” the customer’s activities.

When an anomaly is noticed in your client app, your analytics engine which should also include a database should escalate this by automatically creating a ticket on your project management tool and triggering a push notification that is relayed to your client app and customer’s email address. Such notification should include a user-friendly description of the defect and a suggested service level agreement (SLA).

You can use any push notification provider of your choice and in case you have an existing Pub/Sub implementation, that should also suffice.

At the back office, a comprehensive description of the defect or inconsistent event experienced by the customer should be included in the log and the email being sent to the subject matter expert (SME).

Walk the talk

The product team should look at the tickets generated by the intelligent analytics engine and set priorities so that the customer can get an improved experience next time. It’s also advisable to notify the customer when the ticket is resolved. This will make it almost impossible for such a customer to leave negative feedback that could affect the rating of the digital product or service.

This will also turn your customers into evangelists and your digital product’s overall quality will be boosted. This could in turn increase your return on investment and also extend the lifetime value of your product.

You can reach out to me if you need further insight as per implementation.

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This post was culled from Medium and authored by Michael Oki, an award-winning technologist with several years of experience.