Sports parents of the world unite – or maybe not

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Comedian and former children’s TV star – in Australia – Jimmy Rees has a knack for capturing the essence of people from all walks of life.

He’s previously shone a light on Christmas shoppers, cat owners, Millennials, Gen X and Boomers, amongst others – but now he’s turned his attention to sports parents.

We think he nailed it.

YouTube users related.

Too accurate, annoyingly accurate 😂😂😂

My dad is the coach for my little brother’s AFL team. Last match he told them to stop having a tea party. They’re 6.
Rose Petal Rainbow

As someone that grew up playing hockey in a country town that revered sport this is 100% a vibe.
Valvren Da Boss

“Good god! there’s 7 hours to go” Too bloody relatable 😂😂

Yep! Steered our boys towards basketball cos the weather is much better inside!
Bec Fisher

Teresse Birkett had a tale from a different section of the sports world.

I’m a swim teacher of 2 and 3 year olds…….when parents come over to pool side and start asking why their kid hasn’t progressed further in 6 weeks…..I weep for the future. My standard response is “Yes, it looks like the next Olympics are out, sorry.


‘Every cooking show ever’ is funny because it’s true

Source Jimmy Rees Image Screengrab

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