Revealed: Liz Truss’s F-Bomb Rant At Her ‘Left Wing’ Opponents

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Liz Truss giving a speech in Taiwan earlier this year.
Liz Truss giving a speech in Taiwan earlier this year. 

Liz Truss launched a four-letter rant at her “left wing” opponents as she prepared for her only Tory conference speech as party leader, it has been revealed.

The former prime minister – who was only in office for 49 days – said her critics did not “understand who pays their fucking wages” as she brainstormed with key advisers.

Among those she was directing her anger at were the BBC, the Labour Party and Treasury officials.

The revelation came in a new book, ‘The Right To Rule’, by Daily Telegraph political editor, Ben Riley-Smith.

In a prep session ahead of last year’s Tory conference in Birmingham, Truss said the media and economic establishment always want “more taxes, more, regulation, more interference, more meddling”.

She went on: “They don’t understand aspiration, they don’t understand initiative, they don’t understand that when people feel that the government’s taking all their money they just don’t want to go into work, they don’t want want to set up a business.

“They don’t understand. They don’t understand what’s paying their fucking left-wing journalism wages.”

As her aides cheered, Truss said: “They don’t fucking understand it. They do not understand who is paying their fucking wages.

“Do you know who’s paying their wages? It’s plumbers in Dartford that are paying their wages. It’s people who actually make things who are paying their wages. You know, the ceramics workers in Stoke-on-Trent, the bridge-builders. These are the people paying their wages.

“They don’t understand who’s paying their fucking wages. The IMF, the Labour Party, the Treasury officials, the BBC. Have they ever seen a tax rise they don’t like.”

Much of her rant, shorn of its swear words, eventually made into into the final version of her speech.

A spokesperson for Truss said: “Liz makes no apology for being passionate in her defence of British workers who keep this country going.

“She continues to fight for lower taxes, less regulation and smaller government because they are the ones who pay the bills.”