The Moment Biden Shushed An Environmental Protester During Speech In Arizona

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US President Joe Biden was heckled during his most recent speech by an environmentalist.
US President Joe Biden was heckled during his most recent speech by an environmentalist.

A protester implored Joe Biden to announce a climate emergency while the US president was in the middle of a speech in Arizona on Thursday.

Biden was roughly five minutes into a speech about funding for the McCain National Library in Tempe – and talking about maintaining the US democracy – when an environmentalist spoke over him.

As the president paused after saying – “will we put partisanship aside and put country first? I say we must, and we will” – an activist can be heard shouting in the background.

It’s not clear what the demonstrator initially said, but members of the audience immediately started shouting “no” in response.

The activist then yelled: “Why have you yet to declare a climate emergency? Arizonians have died!”

Biden put his hand up for quiet, and addressed the environmentalist: “Hang on a second, I’ll be happy to talk to you after I speak, OK?”

The environmentalist did not hang on, though, and instead started shouting about fossil fuels, prompting Biden to look down at his lectern for a long moment.

The president eventually said: “Well, I’ll tell you what, if you shush up, I’ll meet with you immediately after this, OK?”

The audience cheered at that.

“Democracy never is easy – as we just demonstrated,” the president smiled, before the resuming his speech.

“The cause is worth giving us all for democracy, makes all things possible.” 

According to POLITICO, declaring a climate emergency would allow Biden to take extreme steps in an effort to restrain greenhouse gas production, such as ending offshore drilling or banning US crude oil exports.