Team Epic’s Prince Kudofia, earlier this week, received his prize for emerging as the winner of PruRide 2023.
The 19-year-old emerged as the winner of the fourth edition of the cycling event which is organised by Prudential Life Insurance Ghana.

The event which was held in collaboration with the Ghana Cycling Federation (GCF) saw the participation of over 300 cyclists. The regular adult category race covered 17.5km distance, while the kids’ category was a distance of 1.75km.
Kudofia topped the list with another member of his team also coming in second. Team Epic was also declared the Best Team of the event.
Following his triumph, the youngster was at the Prudential Life Insurance office to receive his prize.
Speaking after being presented with his award, Kudofia expressed his excitement while also adding he would work hard to retain his position in the subsequent event.
“I am very happy to have the event. I am training hard so I can also win it next year’s tournament,” he told Joy Sports.

“I will serve as an ambassador for PruRide so that more people can also join.”
The Chief Executive Officer of Prudential Life Insurance Ghana, Dr Hazel Berrard Amuah explained the continuous efforts in coming up with the cycling event.

“As a business, we are very concerned about the wellbeing of our stakeholders. PruRide is just one way that we connect to them in a fun way and use it to preach the message of being people who take care of the well-being, and lifestyle and mainly enjoy the benefits of the financial investment,” she added.
Team Epic raced under Gladiators during the 2022 edition but were on their own this year, winning the Best Team of the event.
According to the founder of the club, winning the first two positions as well as the best team shows their effort was not wasted.

“[Winning] tells us that our efforts put in was not in vain and also tells us the harder we train and we push forward, there are more wins,” he told Joy Sports.
“It’s a great joy for us and it has never happened before for one team to win two positions so we are grateful.”
The first 10 cyclists in each category were given a cash prize while all other participants received a branded medal of participation.