Now Estonia accuses Russia of stoking migrant influx 

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Estonian Interior Minister Lauri Läänemets said on Thursday Russia extended a provocative measure, originally aimed at Finland, to Estonia by “deliberately” allowing asylum seekers without visas or residence permits to reach a crossing point on its shared border, according to news outlet Delfi.

“Russia lets them pass without any reason, which means that these persons reach us and we have to deal with their concerns,” he said. “Since they have no basis for entering the European Union, it is obviously an organized and deliberate activity to burden the activities at the borders.”

Läänemets also said that Estonia has so far returned every person trying to cross the border without documents or permission, reinforced its preparedness and it was in close communication with Finland and other neighboring countries.

The minister’s claim follows a decision by Finland earlier Thursday to completely close four border crossings with Russia from Friday night until February 2024 after accusing Moscow of pushing undocumented migrants toward the frontier.

Relations between Russia and Estonia worsened after Moscow launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, prompting Estonia to expel 21 Russian embassy staffers in 2023. Moscow retaliated by expelling Estonian Ambassador Margus Laidre from Russia.