More samples from new Sydney park found to contain asbestos

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More samples taken from mulch in Sydney's Rozelle Parklands contain asbestos sparking a risk the park may be closed for weeks with a hefty cost to taxpayers.

A concerned parent reported seeing "suspicious-looking" material at the park after finding their child near it.

Two samples came back positive for concrete-bonded asbestos material within recycled mulch.

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Transport for NSW Secretary Josh Murray today confirmed a further three samples are positive for asbestos.

A total of 34 samples have been taken at the park, which sits above the Rozelle interchange, a spaghetti junction of tunnels and roads that was hit by chaos when it opened in late November.

The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has engaged with the supplier that indicated the material had limited use outside of the park.

"The EPA is accelerating their assessment of all documentation relating to the source material and where it was used after leaving their production facility," Murray said.

"Air monitoring continues at the park and has not returned any results that would cause concern."

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Transport for NSW Secretary Josh Murray

Rozelle Parklands will remain closed until at least next week while the EPA and government find out the extent of the contamination and where in the park will need to be remediated.

This may have a hefty price tag for taxpayers if the contractor doesn't foot the bill.

"Transport for NSW will undertake testing at other locations associated with the Rozelle Interchange project that contain mulch," Transport for NSW added.