Generative AI is crucial in evolving the content supply chain, offering enhanced content creation speed and personalization.
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A content supply chain brings together people, processes, and technology to effectively plan, create, produce, launch, measure, and manage content. It encompasses an end-to-end content journey—a journey that can create faster time to value. We know that infusing generative AI into the content supply chain will enable companies to produce more personalized content faster and more efficiently. So, what is stopping companies from delivering content with generative AI across their content supply chain?
Leadership and the content supply chain
The advent of generative AI is raising several questions and concerns for leaders. In recent years organizations have been concerned with their ability to create and deliver content fast enough to meet customer expectations, and now that generative AI could address those issues, another question comes to the fore: Can we trust AI tools and technology to augment employees. Leaders across the world are experiencing a mix of emotions when it comes to implementing and embracing generative AI. There is excitement, curiosity, and a bit of angst—sometimes felt simultaneously. Most of us are familiar with the term “FOMO”, or fear of missing out. But people are also feeling “FOGI”, fear of getting in, with generative AI.
The FOMO these organizations face relates to not being able to create content fast enough to keep up with expectations or wasting money on tools that may not turn out to be as efficient as once thought. The FOGI concern revolves around trust, and whether they can trust the AI tools and technology to augment employees. Will the outputs deliver content that will resonate with their customers? Can they trust the AI will operate in a secure way? Can they trust that the AI will reward the initial individual creator? Can they trust that what’s created isn’t going to break any brand guidelines?
This blog and the IBM Institute for Business Value study The Revolutionary Content Supply Chain aim to answer these questions to help executives and their employees to better understand the changing landscape in content creation and embrace the power of generative AI models when it comes to optimizing their content supply chains.[…]
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