If you’re not one of those people who has a standing haircut appointment every eight-to-twelve weeks, which is how often most stylists recommend you get a trim, then looking out for split ends is usually a good method to gauge whether you should visit a salon. But that’s not the only factor to consider.
Differences in individual hair texture and style have much to do with haircut frequency: coily hair, for example, may require more frequent trims in order to keep the curl in its proper shape.
That being said, there are a few signs that you should watch out for when trying to take proper care of your hair. According to the pros, these should all lead directly to your stylist’s chair.
1. Your haircut is above your shoulders
Lest you think boasting a shorter haircut requires a bit less upkeep, think again: experts note you should probably get trims more often.
“Short-haired clients need to come in every four weeks to maintain the shape of their cut,” explained Lauren Kunijo, co-owner of the North Carolina based salon Kenna Kunijo. “Cuts like bobs are created to enhance a shape in coordination with their head shape, so going too long in between will shift the cut’s shape and drastically change its appearance. Longer lengths can go eight to ten weeks.”
Celebrity hairstylist Annagjid Taylor echoes those sentiments. “If you’re looking to maintain a shorter cut like a bob, you may find that your hair looks very different after a month,” she said. “Since shorter cuts are typically customised to your face, you may need to visit the salon more often to maintain that specific shape.”
2. You’re getting migraines
Believe it or not, too much hair can actually cause headaches — at least according to salon owner and stylist Yvey Valcin.
“Depending on the texture, thick and coarse hair might need to be cut more often than every [few] months because when the hair is super heavy it can cause headaches,” he said. “By cutting it, we can create more layers for movement in the hair so it doesn’t lay heavy on the scalp.”
Kristina Maccaro, owner of Love Lane Salon in New Jersey, also believes that if your locks feel heavy, you might want to give your stylist a call, even if you’re not experiencing frequent migraines.
“When the shape of your cut resembles a triangle [and] your hair seems to be growing outward and feeling heavier and wider at the bottom, it’s time to remove weight and reshape your cut to create a balance again,” she said.
3. Your hair tapers when braiding it
If you are not constantly analysing your split ends, you might not even notice that you have them until you start playing around with your hair.
Specifically, experts suggest paying attention to your tresses when braiding them: the hair should look equally thick all throughout the hairstyle. If it doesn’t, call your go-to salon.
“If you notice that your braid thins out towards the bottom, it may be a sign that you need a trim,” said Taylor.

4. Brushing your hair has become almost impossible
“Damaged, split ends tangle more than healthy hair,” Taylor said. “If you find it’s more difficult than usual to run a comb through your hair, you may be in need of a cut!”
Are you using detanglers and other products to make your hair smoother, but still feel knots? Even more of a reason to get a trim.
5. After the shower, your ends dry faster than the rest of your hair
Not everyone knows that your hair should dry uniformly. When it doesn’t, consider it the time to get a cut.
“If the ends of your hair are drying almost immediately after getting out of the shower, it’s a sign that the ends of your hair have become more porous and cannot retain moisture,” explained Maccaro.
There are many reasons why the process happens: you might be over-drying your hair, for example, or you could simply be dealing with split ends.
Whatever the case may be, the “phenomenon” indicates a lack of uniformity when it comes to nutrients and getting a hair cut is a quick solution to the problem.
“Basically, it’s damaged and you need to trim it to avoid any further damage,” Maccaro said.