Norway is formally recognising Palestine as a state, says prime minister

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Norway’s prime minister says his country is formally recognising Palestine as a state.

“There cannot be peace in the Middle East if there is no recognition," Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre said today.

Gahr Støre said the Scandinavian country will recognise a Palestinian state as of May 28.

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Protesters gather for a pro Palestine rally at Hyde Park, Sydney.


Several European Union countries have in the past weeks indicated that they plan to make the recognition, arguing a two-state solution is essential for lasting peace in the region.

Norway, which is not a member of the European Union but mirrors its moves, has been an ardent supporter of a two-state solution between Israel and Palestine.

“The terror has been committed by Hamas and militant groups who are not supporters of a two-state solution and the state of Israel,” the Norwegian government leader said.

The move comes less than two weeks after 143 nations, including Australia, voted in favour to pass a UN General Assembly resolution to extend some of Palestine's rights to participate in United Nations forums.

Australia does not formally recognise Palestine as a state but supports a two-state solution.