8 Helpful High-Income Skills That Are Safe From AI In 2024

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AI research indicates that high-income skills in roles requiring creativity, empathy, and complex problem-solving remain irreplaceable by AI.


Copyright: forbes.com – “8 Helpful High-Income Skills That Are Safe From AI In 2024”



Artificial Intelligence (AI) is generating buzz both for what it can do and who it might replace, but certain high-income jobs remain firmly in the domain of human expertise. These roles demand a unique blend of social and emotional intelligence, creativity, and critical thinking.

Artificial Intelligence has certainly unburdened a lot of the tasks and helped tremendously in simplifying the workload. For example, salespeople are using AI to analyze sales calls faster, bloggers and content creators are already using AI to streamline the writing process, and customer support reps are bringing customers faster solutions. Despite being so good with almost all job roles, there are still some jobs that AI can’t replace. These include jobs that require creativity, empathy, critical thinking, and human interaction.

8 Skills That Remain Safe From AI Takeover In 2024

So which jobs should you consider if you want to prepare yourself financially for the AI revolution? Here are a few options.

Software Development: Work With AI

The field of software development, often regarded as a hotbed of AI advancement, is a profession where humans and machines need to work together. While AI can draft code, creative problem-solving and innovative thinking are where you need humans. AI can code to a certain degree like writing short command line programs and raw codes but creating hardcore coding is out of its range.

Also, you know that – Humans build AI; it’s not the other way around. Now that we are in the era of AI advancement, now is the time when skilled developers are needed the most.

Designing: Essence Of Human Touch

AI may do everything. But it cannot be as creative as humans. Humans possess the prerequisites of good design; perspective, vision, creativity, and feelings which a machine can never learn.[…]

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