Basma was born in Pakistan, but moved to Canada at the age of three. She enjoys reading, baking, taking long walks and experimenting with tea and coffee. She is an active volunteer in the school and in her religious community. In school, she has been a co-leader of the Library Club for the last two years. In these years they have started a podcast and an Instagram account and hosted numerous activities for students. She is also a leader (treasurer in 2022/23, event planner in 2023/24) of the Interact Club, which is part of a larger organization known as Rotary. In this club, she has helped organize the annual winter carnival (which raises money for Helping Hampers), a cake auction (through which they raise money for YWCA), and campaigns for Breast Cancer Awareness, Women’s History Month and Earth Day. In her religious community, I have been a religious teacher for two years and have started tutoring new immigrant children in math and reading. Last year, she was part of the Junior Achievement program at M.E. LaZerte where she was the Vice President of Finance. In this program, they created the company HEXIS with its product, the HEXIS band. Over the summer, she was a part of the HYRS program at the University of Alberta, where she worked for an Otolaryngologist to help collect cough audio data, which was later used to train a Machine Learning Algorithm to identify the difference between normal and abnormal coughs. Read More