Fulwood residents urged to check ‘around midnight’ for footage after grenades found

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Police in Fulwood
Watling Street Road was cordoned off by police on Tuesday

People living in and around Watling Street Road are being urged to check dashcams, doorbell cameras and CCTV cameras after two grenade-type devices were discovered in Fulwood.

A controlled explosion took place after the devices were discovered outside a property in the street around 12.25pm on Tuesday 18 June.

Now Preston Police’s ‘dedicated inquiry team’ is asking the public for their assistance in checking a specific 30-minute time window for any activity.

Read more: 13-year-old boy charged with attack on lollipop man in Fulwood

Between midnight and 12.30am on Tuesday is the key period when police want to see if anyone captured anything in the Watling Street Road area – whether that is dashcam, CCTV, doorbell or mobile phone footage.

An increased police presence is continuing throughout the weekend with a mobile police station established and mounted patrols.

What’s happened so far?

Watling Street Road, between the former Garrison pub and Fulwood Hall Lane, was put into lockdown shortly after 12noon on Tuesday 18 June.

Police called in the bomb squad – the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) team – and nearly 70 homes were evacuated.

The cordon was lifted early on Tuesday evening following controlled explosions by the bomb squad.

Police in Fulwood on 18 June
Police in Fulwood on 18 June

What was found?

Two ‘grenade-type’ devices were found and one was found to be a ‘viable explosive device’ according to police, the other was not viable.

A controlled explosion of one of the devices was carried out by the bomb squad at the scene and the other was moved to another location and a further controlled explosion took place.

What is the incident related to?

Police say it was an ‘isolated incident’ and they have said it is not terrorism related.

They do not believe it is linked to any other investigations and they do not believe there is a risk to the general public.

Initial reports claimed the grenades were WWII ordnance, but this does not appear to be the case.

A recent spate of arson attacks have been taking place in the nearby Sharoe Green Lane area – but when asked the police said these are not connected.

What are people saying in the area

The Lancashire Post’s Matthew Calderbank visited the scene and spoke to one family who said their young children are not playing out anymore as they feel it is too dangerous. Another family said they felt the police “knew more than they were letting on”.

How can information be reported?

Anyone with information or who saw anything unusual in the area in the lead up to the grenades being discovered or after should call 101 quoting log 0556 of 18 June 2024.

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