In pictures: Preston’s Euros Fanzone endures nervy draw with Denmark

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England fans watched as the side secured a 1-1 draw in their second group game Pic: Michael Porter Photography

The city’s Euros Fanzone basked in sunshine as England fans endured a nervy draw with Denmark.

Hundreds of fans turned out to support Gareth Southgate’s side in their second group game.

The Fan Zone, with the Harris looking down, is set up on the Flag Market for each England group game.

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Cheers erupted throughout the city centre as Harry Kane gave England the lead but with Denmark equalising before half-time there was a nervous watch for England fans for the rest of the game.

The next Fanzone – organised by Preston’s Business Improvement District – is on Tuesday (25 June) at 8pm when they face Slovenia in the final game of Group C. Entry is £6 per person.

Michael Porter Photography was there to snap the action as Prestonians flocked straight from work to enjoy the game and soak up the Euros party atmosphere.

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