Kremlin sends migrants to dig trenches in occupied parts of Ukraine

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Russian authorities have been using foreigners who have obtained Russian citizenship to help fight the war in Ukraine, Aleksandr Bastrykin, head of the Russian Investigative Committee, said Thursday.

Moscow “located” more than 30,000 foreign migrants who recently received Russian citizenship but did not register for the military in Russia, Bastrykin said during the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum, according to the Interfax news agency.

“We have already caught more than 30,000 [migrants] who received citizenship and did not want to register for the military, put them on the register, and already sent about 10,000 to the zone of a special military operation,” Bastrykin said during a panel discussion on migration legislation in Russia.

He described this move as the implementation of the Russian constitution.

“Why are these [migrants] needed there? To dig trenches and build fortifications. We need good working hands for that. They are now joining the ranks of our rear units,” Bastrykin said.

Russians have already built hundreds of kilometers of dragon’s teeth and other types of fortifications in parts of Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia, Donetsk, Luhansk and Kherson regions that they have occupied since 2022.

Russian law enforcement agencies have reportedly been raiding factories and enterprises all across Russia, searching for legal and illegal migrants. During each raid, they issue military draft notices to the migrants, according to reports. Different Russian private companies also hire migrants to dig trenches in Ukraine, some don’t pay for the job, Current Time TV reported.

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