The new landlord of a city centre pub says he hopes to return it to its former glory after a troubled recent past.
James Carter took over the Stanley Arms around three-and-a-half weeks ago and the pub’s clean start also includes new bar staff and doormen, while popular DJ Chris remains a fixture. Recent weekends have seen good trade and the new boss is hoping for a bright future.
James, who has previously worked at pubs including the Bear’s Paw as well as working on doors in Preston, says the changes have been welcomed by punters. The pub previously had gained a bad reputation and multiple licensing issues had seen it placed under limits such as only using plastic cups.
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That restriction is now gone, with an application pending to get back outdoor seating, and James says it’s been a good start to life at the Lancaster Road venue which he used to visit when he was around 18.
He said: “It’s actually pretty good [so far] and business is picking up. I’ve had a lot of people coming in who used to come ages ago saying it’s a lot better now.”

Changes inside the pub include a pool table and revamped function room which has been fitted with a projector and big screen for Euro 2024.
James said: “What I’d tell people is it is under new management, I will be bringing Northern Soul back, I’ve put drinks offers on, I’ve got the function room which is free for anyone to hire. There’s no-one in town who does that.
He added: “I used to come in here when I was 18 and it used to be brilliant here on a weekend. Tables outside, music inside, karaoke on. I want to build it back to where it used to be.”

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