New look Preston Peace Garden in Friargate takes shape

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Artwork and inscriptions in the new look Peace Garden Pic: Blog Preston

A new look Peace Garden is close to being finished in Preston city centre.

Located on the edge of the Ringway and Friargate the mini public square has been re-designed as part of the extensive works taking place in the area.

The Peace Garden includes poems and artwork by Salina Somalya etched into the concrete paving across the site.

Read more: Friargate safety bollards are final piece of work needed

A red plaque is also present in memory of Mark Elizabeth Slater – a field nurse who went to help in the Spanish Civil war and then returned to nursing in Preston.

A spokersperson for Lancashire County Council, who are responsible for the work, said: “The new-look Peace Garden in Preston city centre is almost complete and it’s been great to see people already enjoying this revitalised space.

“There are some finishing touches needed before it is complete, including some work to install safety bollards.

“We’re really looking forward to completing this work and opening up this vibrant space for people to enjoy over the summer and beyond.

“Once again we would like to thank everyone, particularly local businesses, for their patience while we undertake this vital work.”

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