Popular Fulwood barber plans to hang up the scissors

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Julie Cartwright who is preparing to cut her final heads of hair Pic: Blog Preston

A long-serving barber who has been part of the Fulwood community for more than a decade is preparing to hang up her scissors.

Julie Cartwright is retiring and says she’s already seeing a bumper surge in bookings to her Boys Lane barber shop since telling her regulars the news.

She told Blog Preston: “It’s been really overwhelming all the lovely comments already.

“I was working out with a friend the other day I must have done more than 100,000 haircuts during my time here.”

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Julie – who has been a barber since 2005 and took on the salon in Fulwood in 2009 – said she is stepping back to spend time caring for her father.

She said: “Sadly my Dad has dementia and I can see the toll it is taking on not just him but also my mother too.

“I felt it was a choice between carrying on working or stopping and being there for my family. So it was only one choice, especially given the rapidly rising cost of care.”

Julie inside the salon in Fulwood Pic: Blog Preston

Julie has built a loyal following at her salon and says her final day is already full for appointments but she will continue her walk-ins on the final Saturday from 12noon to 2pm as usual.

She said: “The gate will shut at 2pm, as long as you’re in the queue by then I will do the cut.

“I think it’s going to be very emotional as a lot of people have been saying ‘but what am I going to do Julie?’

“As a barber it’s a very special thing to be trusted to cut someone’s hair.

“I’ve seen boys become men, men have children and raise families themselves, and for a lot of the elderly people I cut the hair for I might be the only conversation they have that week. I’m a part of people’s routines and lives and I’m very lucky to be that.”

Sign up to tell customers of the final trading day Pic: Blog Preston

Julie will work her final day on Saturday 20 July.

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