A village pub has been taken over by a community group and is pulling in the punters, as well as pulling the pints.
The Nabs Head, Nabs Head Lane, Samlesbury, was facing closure by owner Thwaites after the previous two landlords had failed to make the business work.
However, a group of Samlesbury residents came together and approached the brewery about running the pub and took over on May 1 this year.
Read more: Former Chipping pub to become homes and holiday lets over next 12 months
With a manager and chef now in place, the group, including local dairy farmer and Samlesbury Parish Council leader, Graham Young, is taking a positive approach.
Mr Young, whose family used to run Preston greyhound track many years ago, praised the support of the local community.
He said: “The support has been immense. It is so important to have a focal point for the community and something that brings people together and allows them to get to know each other.
“To build a community you need a community hub, and that is what the pub is.”

The pub intends to start serving food on June 28 and Mr Young said he had been amazed by the places people travelled from to visit the village.
He added: “Samlesbury is a beautiful place and we are very passionate about the village and the community we have got.
“People come from all over the North West to visit the village and drop in at the pub. The social aspect is great.”
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