Defibrillator installed outside Fishergate’s Holland & Barrett store

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Outside Holland & Barrett

A new defibrillator has been installed outside of Fishergate’s Holland & Barrett store.

In association with Pennine Community Credit Union, Preston BID has installed a third publicly accessible defib unit.

The defibrillator is available to use 24/7.

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Mark Whittle from Preston BID said: “In partnership with Pennine Community Credit Union, we have installed a new publicly accessible defibrillator in the city centre.  The new unit is located outside of Holland & Barrett on Fishergate. This third unit adds to two other units that the BID, in partnership, has installed. One outside of the Co-operative Bank on Church Street, and a unit outside of the Sun Hotel on Friargate.

“Defibrillators can make all the difference following sudden cardiac arrest. Of course, we hope that they are not needed, but if they are, they are quite literally a life-saving piece of equipment, and are a vital additional to a busy city centre.”

Defibrillators are devices that apply an electric charge or current to the heart to restore a normal heartbeat. If the heart rhythm stops due to cardiac arrest, a defibrillator may help it start beating again. 

Public defibs often located in buildings that are permanently open, such as hotels, or in special cabinets on the outside of buildings so they can be used by anyone in need.

The cabinets have a key code lock and the code is accessed by calling 999 which means the device remains secure.

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