Eligible families in Preston and South Ribble have received an e-voucher allowing them to book a funded place on one of the many Get Stuck In / holiday activities and food (HAF) clubs taking place this summer.
The programmes provides a meal (allergen free food cannot be guaranteed) and at least 4 hours of activities a day over 16 days of the school summer holiday for children and young people aged 4-16. Those with a funded place are entitled to 4 sessions.
If you’re eligible you will have received a text or email from hello@holidays – commissioned by Lancashire County Council – on June 3rd. The vouchers will be issued by your child’s school and sent to the contact details held by them (only for holiday e-vouchers). The e-voucher will contain your 16-digit code with a link to the HAF webpage and instructions to book a place for your child.
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Last summer a record 14,632 children and young people attended a HAF club.
Katherine Ashworth, Head of Service, Early Help, Lancashire County Council: “Our Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme is very popular and we have introduced a new e-voucher system to make it easier for families to book a place.”
Activities include multi-sports, cooking sessions, arts and crafts, musical theatre, dance and much more. Helping your child to be more active, meet new friends and learn new skills.
For the full activities timetable for HAF clubs, visit https://southribble.gov.uk/people-communities/haf/2 and for Get Stuck In clubs visit https://getstuckin.org.uk/preston-holiday-activity-fund-offers-2609/.
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Eligibility criteria for a funded place: Must be a citizen of the South Rubble Borough (HAF clubs) or Preston (Get Stuck In clubs), must be eligible for benefit-related Free School Meals or children from low-income households not in receipt of Free School Meals.
15% of funded places are also being offered to: children with SEND, children missing from education, young carers, on an early help plan, (previously) looked-after children, children in transition phases between nursery to primary or primary to secondary school.
If you unsure of your child’s eligibility, ask at your child’s school, a Family Hub, or a Children and Family Wellbeing service Neighbourhood Centre. Alternatively, you can email [email protected] or [email protected].
Children must bring a sealable water bottle to all activities, unless stated otherwise activities are supervised and parents/guardians do not stay. Booking closes 24 hours before the activity, except for those run by South Ribble Leisure and SRBC Active Health, in which case booking closes 9am the Friday before (detailed on the far left column of the HAF timetable linked above).
For more information, including how to book your place, visit Holiday activities and food programme (HAF) – Lancashire County Council or [email protected].
For more support, get in touch with [email protected] or raise a ticket at holidayactivities.com/support/support-request/.
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