Nine-year-old smashes marathons to raise crucial cash for cancer charity

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Harry Billington and his great grandad, George Shepherd, who is one of two family members who have inspired his fundraising feats.

A nine-year-old from Barnacre went to marathon lengths to raise much needed funds for Rosemere Cancer Foundation.

Throughout the month of June Harry Billington completed two marathons – a 26 mile run and a 26 mile cycle ride – that saw him smash his initial £250 fundraising target.

Harry’s mum Amy said: “The marathons were Harry’s idea. He wanted to fundraise for Rosemere Cancer Foundation because my dad, Stuart Shepherd, is being treated at Rosemere Cancer Centre for kidney cancer and my grandad, George Shepherd, Harry’s great-grandad, [is being treated for] for prostate cancer.

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“They are farmers and are still working. Harry is close to both of them. Obviously, he’s too young to go out on his own so he‘s had to have people accompany him but he’s been totally committed.”

The year four pupil at Garstang St Thomas’ CE Primary School enlisted help in his charity challenge, with support from his farmer dad James, mum Amy, who works as a learning coach at his school, his classmates and teammates at Garstang Juniors Football Club, who all accompanyied him on runs and rides.

Even little sister Alice, two, has been out with Harry on the back of their mum’s bike.

And Garstang ruby union professional Sam Dugdale, of Sale Sharks, also joined him for some of the runs.

Yvonne Stott, community and events fundraiser for Rosemere Cancer Foundation, said: “Well done to Harry and everyone who has been supporting him. Taking on a double marathon is no mean feat for a nine-year-old when there’s school, football training and everything else. We are mighty impressed and very grateful for such a fantastic donation.”

Rosemere Cancer Foundation works to bring cancer treatments and services to cancer patients from throughout Lancashire and South Cumbria being treated at Rosemere Cancer Centre, the region’s specialist cancer treatment and radiotherapy centre at the Royal Preston Hospital, and at another eight local hospital cancer units across the two counties.

Harry has raised more than £1,000 for Rosemere and you can still donate by visiting his JustGiving page.

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