Teams of businesses and charities competed in the Preston City Games golf tournament at Ashton and Lea Golf Club on Friday, 5 July.
Preston City Games is a sporting festival that pits teams of businesses and charities against each other in tournaments of rounders, football, netball, boccia and golf.
The other tournaments took place at UCLan’s Sports Arena on 21 June.
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The annual sporting event is jointly organised and delivered by business support services provider Shout Connect, the University of Central Lancashire and Preston City Council to encourage businesses to participate in fun, physical activity that enhances teamwork, mental health, wellbeing and motivation.
The golf winners and runners up were:
1st place team – Steve Ward of BusinessGiftUK.com, Zak Willis of Lagan’s Foundation, Adrian Bottomley of Rossendale Mediation Services and Steve Bate from SureStore Storage.
2nd place team – Matt Chandler of Chandler Digital, Andy Skelding of Shout Connect, Charlotte Wright from James Alpe Ltd and Mike Smith from ADG Insights.

Other winners from the other events included:
Football winners: PNE Community and Education Trust; runners up: UCLan Red
Rounders winners: West Lancashire Borough Council; runners-up: UCLan Student Union
Netball winners: UCLan; runners up: Preston City Council A
Boccia winners: Preston City Council; runners-up: UCLan A
Of Preston City Games, Sarah Threlfall, deputy chief executive at Preston City Council, said: “The City Games has been a great success and lots of fun. Well done to Shout Connect for organising the events and well done to the winners and to everyone who took part.
“There has been great sportsmanship throughout and it’s been a great opportunity for local businesses and community organisations to come together in an informal setting to network and make new friendships while taking part in a bit of healthy sporting competition.”
Director of Shout Connect, Ian Coupe, is already looking forward to next year.
He said: “Preston City Games is always a calendar highlight for the Shout Connect team. We always thoroughly enjoy the tournaments and seeing teams from businesses and charities benefiting from a couple of days of healthy competition.”
Anyone wishing to register their interest in next year’s event should email [email protected].
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