Vox, explain it to me

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Ever since we started Vox, we’ve had a channel on Slack, the messaging app we use to communicate within our newsroom, called #vox-explain-it-to-me. Members of our newsroom use this channel to ask questions about the topics they need clarification on, trends they’ve noticed, or subjects they are just curious or confused about. The conversations in this channel, along with the people who tag us on social media saying they need a “Vox-splainer” on specific issues, are among the factors that help shape our reporting.

Now, here’s your chance to participate. Just as our staff can ask each other for the topics they want explained to them by their colleagues in #vox-explain-it-to-me, you can now participate in that process, too. Use this form to tell us what topics you want Vox to explain. From why dating feels harder these days to why jars are so hard to open, no question is too big or too small. Explain It To Me exists as a podcast, a newsletter, videos, and through the classic explanatory work you typically see on our site. If you prefer to call in to our podcast to ask a question, give 1-800-618-8545 a ring (and don’t forget the 1 — it’s important). Ask away, and leave your name and a callback number.

There’s no deadline, and we’ll check the submissions regularly to help inform our story ideas.