As house prices continue to rise, where the most expensive and cheapest streets in Penwortham can be revealed.
Data from the Land Registry shows the sales over the last five years.
Estate agents Property Solvers looked at registered sales in the data and only roads with at least three sales are included – which means roads with one £1million or £15,000 auction were excluded.
Read more: Preston’s most expensive and cheapest streets over last five years
A road in Whitestake has the highest average sale value – Meadowcroft Gardens – with £917,187 from eight sales in the last five years.
At the other end of the house price scale Penwortham Hall Gardens had an average price of £82,950 from 10 sales.
See below for the breakdown of the ten most expensive streets in Penwortham
And the cheapest streets in Penwortham.
Data provided by PropertySolvers, who have a tool where you can put in a postcode and see the prices near you
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