Wyre Council is calling on local businesses to give their views on what they would like to see in a new ‘economic development and visitor economy strategy’.
Businesses can get involved by visiting the Have your Say pages on the Wyre Council website and completing a short form. The consultation closes on Monday, 2 September, 2024.
The council says the strategy is crucial to delivering one of the four priorities in its new council plan, which is to ensure a ‘thriving local economy and town centres’. It will set out what Wyre Council aims to achieve over ten to 15 years to help drive forward economic development and visitor growth.
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Initial work has looked at the context for the strategy and some of the ‘big issues’ to be explored such as business premises and employment land, skills gaps, rural businesses, new industries, the cultural offer, overnight stays, and local transport.
To ensure the strategy works for all, Wyre Council wants to understand what people who live, work, visit, learn, invest or run a business want, what challenges or opportunities they foresee and what support they need.
In addition to the online survey, council officers are holding a range of consultation sessions over Summer and early Autumn to make sure that as many people have a chance to input into its development.
Informal discussions, workshops, email surveys and phone interviews are already underway with a range of stakeholders including town and parish councils, tour operators, market traders and members of the Council’s Wyred Up and tourism networks to gain a range of feedback.
The draft strategy will also be published online for public comment at the end of the year prior to going to full council for approval in spring 2025.
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