AI-powered solutions are on the verge of transforming lives, offering groundbreaking innovations like prosthetics that mimic natural movement and bionic eyes that restore vision.
SwissCognitive Guest Blogger: Artem Pochechuev, Head of Data and AI at Sigli – “Future Of AI-Powered Solutions For Disabilities: On The Verge Of Fantasy”
Today, while discussing Artificial Intelligence, we often talk about Generative AI tools, virtual assistants, or recommendations assistance. Such tools are already widely adopted and that’s why it is not surprising that they come to our mind in the first turn.
However, the potential of AI is much higher than that. This technology can be used in some mind-blowing solutions that seem to be absolutely fantastic.
Nevertheless, their introduction can be much closer than we may think.
In this article, we offer you to take a look at the most cutting-edge AI-powered projects that can greatly change the lives of people with disabilities (and not only).
Multimodal LLMs
Let’s start with something that sounds the most realistic – multimodal LLMs. Probably, all of you are already well-familiar with models that can work only with text inputs and provide text outputs.
Multimodal models are able to work with data in different formats. It means that they can deal with text, images, and sounds simultaneously and provide a relevant output. That is exactly what GPT-4o is expected to offer.
Of course, such models can be highly helpful for everyone. But their value will be significantly higher for people with different kinds of disabilities, including those with vision impairment, physiological disorders, and mental diseases.
Multimodal LMS can act as full-scale virtual assistants. Their functionality can offer much more possibilities in comparison to well-known solutions like Siri.
What can multimodal LLMs offer to people who can’t interact with their surroundings in a traditional way? We can say “practically everything” and from some point of view, we even won’t exaggerate.
For example, they will be able to explain everything that is written on the screen or describe what is shown in the picture. Their functionality will allow them to instantly translate and read aloud a text from the PDF file. They will help people to interact with their computers and smartphones. Based on the voice command made by users, they will open different menus, choose the necessary options, or move a pointer to the required line, while for a person with low vision or hand tremors, it can be very challenging to do this.
In the future, such models are expected to process video content as well. This will allow them to recognize films and describe their plots for users. Or they will be able to understand what sports game you will show to them and explain the rules.
Of course, these are just a couple of examples that demonstrate how multimodal LLMs can be used by people with disabilities. The range of their applications can be really wide.
AI-powered prosthetics
For people who were born without some parts of their bodies or who lost them under different circumstances, prostheses can become the best solution. These artificial body parts can restore some of the function and appearance of the lost anatomy. However, everything is not as seamless as we may think. The use of traditional prostheses can be associated with huge discomfort and various limitations, like limitations in dexterity or sensory feedback.
Nevertheless, such issues can be at least partially addressed by AI-powered prosthetics. Yes, AI arms today are not just something from a science fiction book. That’s a reality.
Artificial intelligence can significantly enhance the functionality, adaptability, and user experience of prostheses. In such solutions, ML is applied to teach bionic limbs how to understand movement patterns and how to make predictions based on the behaviours demonstrated previously. Thanks to this, limbs become more dexterous and more “natural”.
Such prostheses, both arms and legs, are non-invasive. But they have sensors that can measure electrical signals to identify the user’s intended movement.

Photo: University of Michigan
Of course, the use of AI-powered limbs is much more convenient in comparison to traditional prostheses. AI can automatically adjust artificial limbs for a better fit and can even make real-time changes based on user movements and activity levels.
The most advanced models can provide feedback on pressure and texture, which allows them to simulate the sense of touch for users.
Nevertheless, the cost of such devices is very high at the moment. This is one of the main factors that prevent them from being widely adopted today.
Bionic eye
Bionic limbs are a cutting-edge technology but what do you think about bionic eyes?
These experimental devices can restore functional vision for people who have partial or even total blindness.
The implantation of the earliest version of the bionic eye took place in 2012. The patient who got this artificial eye suffered from profound vision loss. After the surgery, he was able to see light. However, he couldn’t make distinctions within the environment. Since then, this first eye model has been greatly improved. Some other versions helped people start seeing abstract images. Nevertheless, none of the patients has regained vision.
One of the most widely discussed projects from this category is the Prima system by Pixium Vision. Their bionic vision solutions are being developed to help patients with profound vision loss and improve their independence and mobility.

The core of their idea is the use of a 2-by-2-millimeter square implant that should be surgically placed under the retina. This implant should receive infrared data from camera-equipped glasses and further turn it into pulses of electricity which will replace signals generated by photoreceptor rods and cones.
Some early feasibility studies conducted in the US and European Union demonstrated that this system could be potentially effective and safe for people. Nevertheless, the project faced some financial difficulties which resulted in the delay in further research and development.
Rehabilitation robots and exoskeleton
Rehabilitation is a very important process for people with disabilities and patients after injuries. AI-powered robots can greatly help in the process of physical therapy through repetitive and controlled movements. They can offer personalized exercises and continuously monitor the progress to optimize recovery outcomes.
Such robots are often used in targeted therapy for patients with neurological or musculoskeletal impairments, such as stroke, spinal cord injury, or orthopedic injuries.
One of the most well-known robots of this kind is Lokomat which helps individuals relearn walking patterns. It ensures the most physiological movement which can be guaranteed by the individually adjustable patient interface.

Another type of solution used in rehabilitation is the exoskeleton. Exoskeletons can be defined as wearable devices that work in conjunction with the user’s movements to enhance or assist physical capabilities.
They can help individuals with mobility impairments to stand, walk, or perform other movements. Moreover, they can be used to enhance the physical abilities of healthy individuals, such as in industrial or military applications.
Over the last several years, we could observe the growing interest in designing innovative tools of this kind that incorporate AI. The obvious benefits of such exoskeletons are their capabilities to analyze data and adjust to the individual user’s needs in real-time.
One such groundbreaking AI-powered exoskeletons was developed by a group of researchers at North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This wearable device can ensure great energy savings during human movement, which could lead to great improvements in athletic performance and significantly help individuals with mobility issues.
This exoskeleton is powered by data-driven and physics-informed reinforcement learning. With this approach, wearable robots can become intuitive and predict user’s movements. This technology can also generate synergistic assistance across different activities, such as walking or stair-climbing. The controller can automatically adapt to various kinematic patterns. It means that the transition between activities can take place without any handcrafted control.

Though the actual prices of exoskeletons can vary from $50,000 to $120,000, Hao Su, Ph.D., associate professor at North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, noted that their efficient learning-in-simulation framework allows for rapid design and testing in computer simulations.
This can help to reduce the cost of research and development.
“Looking forward, we plan to make our robots truly affordable and accessible through innovative hardware design, namely low-ratio gears and cost-effective but high-torque electric motors. In about one year, we aim to make our exoskeletons for sale at a price range of $1,500 to $4,000, depending on specific features and manufacturing scale,” he explained.
Elderly care robots/ assistive robots for people with disabilities
While talking about robots, we can’t but mention robots that could fully or at least partially replace nurses, tutors, and caregivers.
In August 2023, the first commercial general-purpose humanoid robot Apollo by Apptronik was presented to the public. At the initial stages of its development, it was planned that it would be used in the manufacturing and warehousing industries. Nevertheless, later the range of its use cases was expanded. It can be also helpful in construction, retail, and elderly care. In the latest case, such robots can handle dozens of household chores and become good companions for people who spend a lot of time in isolation due to their disease or disabilities.

However, this project is far not the only one in this group.
For example, there are a lot of reports from Japan revealing that the country is actively investing in the automation of elder care by employing various robots.
Though probably the majority of us start thinking about humanoid devices when asked about care robots, it’s far from being true. They can come in different sizes and shapes. Some of them are intended for physical care. In this case, we are talking about those ones that can help lift patients who can’t get on their own. There are robots that assist people in exercising and moving. Some others can track the physical activity of patients, detect falls, and help them use the toilet or take a bath.
There are also robots that are intended to communicate with elderly people, they can entertain them and even conduct cognitive training.
Robot guide dogs
Guide dogs are known to have been helping people with visual impairments for centuries. They can be great assistants and companions but the use of their services is associated with a row of challenges. The training of a guide dog usually requires significant time and expense. Moreover, let’s not forget about an average dog’s lifespan. This explains why a lot of countries face a shortage of trained guide dogs.
For example, according to the data published by the China Association for the Blind, currently, there are only around 400 trained dogs in the country, while the number of people who may need their help is over 17 million.
Dogs require particular care. They all have their personalities. This also can cause some difficulties for people.
But with the application of modern technologies, such issues can be successfully solved. Especially for those who do not feel like having a furry friend, as they can have a robot friend instead.
Robot guide dogs can efficiently provide real-time navigation services for people with visual disabilities and let them travel independently and safely. Such robots can identify road conditions, obstacles, and surrounding facilities. Moreover, they can work with voice prompts and provide vibration feedback, which makes interaction with them quite simple.
It is known that a group of Chinese researchers have been already conducting field tests of a six-legged guide dog that relies on cameras and sensors for navigation. This robot can successfully recognize traffic light signals, while in the case of real dogs, this “feature” is not available.

Of course, robot dogs require some maintenance but at least users do not need to feed them on a daily basis.
Brain-computer interface
Another technology that we should mention is a brain-computer interface. It can establish a direct communication pathway between the brain and an external device. It is possible thanks to its capability to decode the neural signals associated with attempted but unarticulated speech. In other words, it can translate neuronal information into commands capable of controlling external software or hardware systems.
In a very simplified way, we can explain its work as follows:
- Collection of brain signals using electrodes or sensors;
- Signal processing, filtering, and amplifying;
- Extraction of relevant patterns or features within the signals;
- Translation of these patterns into commands that can be understood by external devices.
Some BCIs are being developed for entertainment purposes. With their help, players can enjoy more immersive experiences. However, the majority of such projects have healthcare-related goals. For example, they can be used to assist in the in the recovery of motor functions.
In this context, it’s worth recollecting Neuralink. That’s definitely one of the most widely-known projects of this kind. This BCI is fully implantable. It’s invisible. And it can help users to seamlessly control their smartphones and computers. This technology can greatly help people with disabilities who are looking for ways to become more independent. Its efficiency in this aspect has been already proven in the first human trial.

In January 2024, Noland Arbaugh, a 30-year-old man paralyzed from the neck down, became the first patient who received the Neuralink device. Though there were some technical challenges during the trial, the general results look quite promising.
Thanks to the Neuralink device, the young man got practically full control of a computer. With the power of his mind, he can play games and browse the web at any moment. Moreover, according to Neuralink, Noland has managed to set the human record for cursor control with a brain-computer interface.
In an interview with journalists, Noland explained that the biggest advantage of using a BCI is the possibility of being independent.
“It’s just made me more independent, and that helps not only me but everyone around me. It makes me feel less helpless and like less of a burden. I love the fact that the people around me don’t have to wait for me so much. Outside of being completely healed, I believe what most quadriplegics want is independence,” he said.
Though today the majority of solutions mentioned in this article haven’t been widely adopted, that’s obvious that they have great potential given their incredible social value.
Moreover, we can say for sure that the real power of technologies, and AI in particular, hasn’t been even fully explored yet.
We still have a lot of things to learn and to do. But one thing is clear: today we are close to the future as never before. And we definitely shouldn’t stop in making life easier and better for everyone with the power of AI.
About the Author:
In his current position, Artem Pochechuev leads a team of talented engineers. Oversees the development and implementation of data-driven solutions for Sigli’s customers. He is passionate about using the latest technologies and techniques in data science to deliver innovative solutions that drive business value. Outside of work, Artem enjoys cooking, ice-skating, playing piano, and spending time with his family.
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