Preston cycle sign flattened for second time in months since going up

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The cycle sign in Maudland Bank has been hit again Pic: Blog Preston

A new cycle lane sign – for a stretch of cycle-friendly road just a few metres long – has been flattened again.

Pedder Street became a no-right turn into Leighton Street as part of a number of road changes as a result of the Corporation Street bus gate being turned on.

And a cycle lane sign was installed and promptly flattened within weeks of the changes.

Read more: Corporation Street bus gate brings in nearly £1m in three months as two new bus lanes for city remain on track

It’s now been knocked over again and those living nearby have told Blog Preston the no entry signs are consistently being flouted as drivers turn into Pedder Street from Maudland Road.

The cycle sign had been put back in within the last few days and had only been up for around a week when it was taken out again.

A Lancashire County Council spokesperson said: “We would ask that motorists follow the rules of the highway in order to keep themselves and other road users safe. We will undertake the necessary repairs but it is disappointing that this has happened a second time.”

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