Distance from AI innovation hubs poses a barrier to the adoption and job growth of Artificial Intelligence across regions.
Copyright: cepr.org – “Distance From Innovation is a Barrier to the Adoption of Artificial Intelligence”
The extent to which geographic distance is a barrier to technological knowledge transfer is of interest to governments of countries distant from centres of knowledge creation or technology production; to entrepreneurs deciding where to locate a new firm that will need to remain abreast of technological developments; and to national or local policymakers seeking to influence the decisions of such entrepreneurs. These agents may value knowledge transfer as an input to further knowledge creation, or as a prerequisite for the adoption of new technology practices.
Distance may seem unimportant in the face of technological progress including the telephone, modern means of transportation, email, texting, the worldwide web, and video conferencing. Yet, several studies have found that distance is a barrier to the diffusion of inventive activity and to the cross-country diffusion of technology adoption, and prior work has also shown that US state borders are barriers to citations of patents. 1 Cross-location collaboration and citing of academic papers and patents have been increased by shorter travel times, other papers have found.2 […]
Read more: www.cepr.org
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