Everyone can see the couple – but you have the mind of a genius if you can spot the hiding rabbit in less than 7 seconds

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A scenic picture will have you scratching your head as you search for the hidden rabbit.

Only those with the mind of a genius will be able to spot the furry creature in only seven seconds.

a man and a woman are walking a dog in the woods .

Can you spot the rabbit in seven seconds?[/caption]

The brainteaser shows a young couple walking through a frosty forest with their pet dog.

While it may be easy to spot the sly fox lurking in the background, the hidden rabbit is not so easy to spot.

You will need to search every bit of the image to see if you have what it takes to solve this brain teaser.

Are you ready? You’re time starts now.

People who are able to solve the puzzle quickly possess good observational skills and high cognitive speed.

It tests your ability to process a high volume of visual information and the ability to concentrate under high amounts of pressure. 

Psychologists at The University of Glasgow found that staring at an optical illusion can improve eye sight by allowing you to see small print.

Escape London says puzzles can also give your mind a great workout and may “boost your brain’s activity” which “reduces the risk of dementia.”

These can help to stimulate several parts of the brain at the same time.

Tasks like this can also provide people with a productive way to have fun and relax.

How does an optical illusion work?

OPTICAL illusions are a great way to test your eyesight and cognitive skills, requiring you to really think about and observe what’s in front of you.

More often than not, players are required to find something hidden within an image that can’t immediately be found on a first glance.

But the more you stare at it, the more your brain tries to help you find the answer.

What you see and what you think you see are two completely different things, but your senses gather information and send it your brain.

Your brain then creates a perception with this information, whereby it fills in gaps when there is incomplete information, or creates an image that isn’t even there.

This reaction is actually a survival instinct.

Our brains have evolved to quickly work to piece together any information it can get, before doing its best to figure out the rest.

So when you’re looking at an optical illusion, your brain works with what it’s got to develop a reality in order to help you see the answer in the image

Meanwhile, why not try some other optical illusions while you scroll?

Spotting animals such as a dog or a cat can be one of the toughest tasks in optical illusions as they’re never quite where you expect.

To make things harder, try figuring out what’s wrong with this image of smiling women as you count their legs in 11 seconds.

Or you might want to prove you have a 20/20 vision as you search for a strawberry in this carnival scene.

Have you found the hidden rabbit? Take your time and look again.

Still can’t find it, here’s a handy hint: it’s colours help camouflage the rabbit perfectly.

Congratulations if you’ve found it!

For everyone still struggling to find the rabbit, we’ve included the solution below.

While you’re here, why not try your hand at three other puzzles.

a cartoon of a man and woman walking a dog in a forest

The rabbit was in the left hand corner![/caption]

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