Chorley is in the top 20 happiest places to live in Britain

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Chorley Flower Show and Astley Hall have both received funding from the UKSPF Pic: Paul Heyes
Chorley Flower Show and Astley Hall Pic: Paul Heyes

Chorley has been ranked as one of the happiest places in Britain.

Notching up 17th in the national RightMove Happy At Home Index the borough is also the second-highest in the North West of England, behind only Kendal.

The annual survey, now in its 13th year, asks 35,000 people across Great Britain what they love or don’t love about where they live.

Read more: What Chorley’s £4.2m UKSPF funding is being spent on

Ranking factors include a sense of togetherness, access to green spaces and a feeling of belonging that a place fosters.

Tim Bannister from Rightmove said: “For over a decade we’ve been asking residents what makes them feel happy about where they live, as feeling happy is about more than the home itself.

“First placed Woodbridge appears to have a lot of the factors that people are looking for from an area, including being close to a river, and a National Landscape. It’s the intangible factors of feeling proud to live in an area, feeling a sense of belonging, and feeling able to be yourself that are the biggest drivers of happiness.”

Preston was ranked eighth in the North West and 96th in England, Scotland and Wales.

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