A ‘human billboard’ protest took place alongside two busy Preston roads during Sunday morning.
Ahead of crowds heading to Deepdale then pro-Gaza protestors lined part of Blackpool Road alongside Moor Park.
There were also billboards held up to drivers heading along London Road near Frenchwood Avenue.
Read more: Looking back at when and how Blog Preston made an impact in 2024
A spokesperson for the Preston For Palestine group said: “The world’s eyes have turned away from Gaza. We need to make sure we keep our focus and keep the pressure on our leaders.
“In January Trump arrives in the White House. It is unclear how this will shift US policy in the Middle East – but we must let them know we are not going away.”

The boards, which contained messages calling for a ceasefire between Israel and Palestine, were held up for around an hour before the Preston North End v Sheffield Wednesday lunchtime kick-off Championship game at Deepdale.
Preston has seen a number of large-scale peace marches and demonstrations both last year and during 2024 calling for an end to the conflict in the Middle East.
The city’s Jewish community also held a peace vigil outside Preston’s Barclays bank when it was targeted by militant vandals from a pro-Palestinian group over apparently links by the bank to Israeli support.
Preston City Council earlier this year announced it would explore a ‘friendship agreement’ with a Palestinian town, the proposal was debated during a council meeting in August.
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