
Preston’s John ‘Gilly’ Gillmore makes Christmas return to radio 

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John Gillmore will be hosting the trip out to Morecambe
John Gillmore will be hosting a one-off show.

A legend of BBC local radio is making a return this Christmas.

John Gillmore, best known as ‘Gilly’ is set to host a one-off show on Red Rose Radio.

He joined the original station in 1985, where he stayed for 13 years before settling at BBC Radio Lancashire after a stint on Breakfast at The Bay in Lancaster.

Gilly put his headphones down and aired his final show at the BBC on 5 October 2023, since he has been working as a compere at various events across the region.

He also hosted The Parched Pea Podcast, brought to you by Blog Preston and the Lancashire Post.

On Christmas Day he will be hosting a show from 11am until 1pm.

John payed his thanks to Rob Charles, who runs the station, saying he was ‘looking forward’ to the day.