Preston’s real-life Mrs Santa Claus making magical Christmas memories for foster children

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Foster carers, Heather and her partner Rob. Pic: LCC
Foster carers, Heather and her partner Rob. Pic: LCC

A woman from Preston has been described as the ‘real-life Mrs Santa Claus’ as she makes magical Christmas memories for foster children.

Heather and her partner Rob took in a little boy and his three-year-old sister just a few weeks before Christmas last year.

The siblings had never experienced a traditional Christmas Day, being told they were too naughty for Father Christmas to visit. In fact, they had never received any presents from him since they were born.

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When the five-year-old and his sister were taken into Heather’s care, she decorated the Christmas tree, made them their own advent calendars and had inflatable decorations outside the house.

However, she explained how they did not understand.

Heather said: “My brother came to drop off some presents and he said to me how strange it was that the children weren’t excited, which I had picked up on too. They were both just very quiet.

“On Christmas Eve, I put out sacks for Santa’s presents, then I put out some milk, carrot and a mince pie. And they looked at me like I was daft, they were wondering what on earth I was doing.

“But the next morning when they got up, the little boy was absolutely hyper, he just couldn’t believe that he had presents.

“Later on, he said Santa’s never been before.  He was only five, but he had been told Santa hadn’t been because he was too naughty.  Then he asked if Santa would come again.”

The 'real-life Mrs Santa Claus'. Pic: LCC
The ‘real-life Mrs Santa Claus’. Pic: LCC

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Heather and Rob are now preparing to spend another Christmas with the children.

They now have a number of elves who visit and the family go to the pantomime together on Christmas Eve.

This year they will be joined by another foster child, who has been with them for the past two years, as well as Heather’s birth children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

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Heather added: “We’re a big family, in fact, it’s got so big that none of us have a house big enough to fit all of us in.

“When the siblings first came to live with us we used to have tea together on Christmas Day, but now there’s too many of us to do that, so we’re meeting a few days after Christmas.

“I’ve had to hire a room above a pub to fit us all in!

“I’m having an extension built next year, so I’m hoping we’ll be able to host Christmas at my house again next year.”

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County Councillor Cosima Towneley, cabinet member for Children and Families said: “Heather created indelible memories for those young children who came into her care having never celebrated Christmas before. Those moments will remain with them for the rest of their lives and this upcoming Christmas will undoubtedly be as special as the very first one.

“Heather, Rob and all our foster carers across Lancashire play an irreplaceable role in shaping young people’s lives, providing opportunities and experiences they may never have had before.”

To become a foster carer, no formal experience or qualifications are needed. You need to be 21 years old or over and live in or close to Lancashire.

To find out more you can visit Lancashire County Council’s website.

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