Follow us on Bluesky; we’ll have live updates as the court announces opinions on Tuesday, Dec. 10.
Each weekday, we select a short list of news articles and commentary related to the Supreme Court. Here’s the Friday morning read:
- US Supreme Court could allow broader curbs on transgender rights (Andrew Chung, Reuters)
- Root Inc. Investors Drop Petition to Supreme Court in Risks Case (Martina Barash, Bloomberg Law)
- Protests outside of Supreme Court capture growing fears for transgender Americans (Kiara Alfonseca, ABC News)
- SCOTUS Clerk Hiring Watch: Retirement Clues? (David Lat, Original Jurisdiction)
- The Supreme Court Just Showed Us What Contempt for Expertise Looks Like (M. Gessen, The New York Times)
Coming up: On Tuesday, Dec. 10, the court expects to issue one or more opinions from the current term.
The post The morning read for Friday, Dec. 6 appeared first on SCOTUSblog.