All Thanks to His Parents, Obinna Found His Soulmate, Lois!

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Sometimes, life gives you little promptings and nudges. When this happens, it’s often a way of leading you to something beautiful.

Lois experienced one of these promptings on a fateful day, and it led her to Obinna, her soulmate. She met his parents at church, and unknown to her, she left a striking impression on them. They decided to play Cupid and came up with a matchmaking plan for their son—and it produced a truly beautiful result! Their pre-wedding shoot has chemistry written all over it and you can tell they are so smitten! Lois gives the full tea on how it all happened… you’ll sure find yourself grinning wide as you read. 😍


Enjoy their pre-wedding shoot and love story below:

How we met
By the bride, Lois:

In April, Ghana became a special destination for Andrew’s (Obinna’s) parents as they set foot in the country for the first time. Eager to explore its culture and traditions, they immersed themselves in the vibrant community life around them. One Monday evening, they attended a mid-week Christian meeting, curious to experience a deeper sense of connection with the local community. Meanwhile, I faced a dilemma. The day had been hectic, and by the time evening approached, it seemed impossible to make it to the meeting on time.



Traffic loomed large—a potential obstacle that could easily have kept me away. For a brief moment, I considered turning back and staying home. But something deep inside urged me to go. I decided to brave the traffic, arriving at the Kingdom Hall just in time to settle into the service. Andrew’s parents were there too, seated just a few rows away. I didn’t notice them at first, nor did I realize the impact I’d already made. Midway through the meeting, I stepped out for a moment. Andrew’s parents, particularly his mother, had been observing and felt a curious pull. His father leaned over, quietly urging her to follow me and strike up a conversation. Trusting his instinct, she stepped outside to meet me.



She found me standing quietly, taking in the evening air. With warmth and grace, she introduced herself, her smile kind and genuine. We began to talk, and a simple exchange turned into a meaningful conversation. She asked about my life, my work, and my journey. I shared pieces of myself with ease, drawn to her sincerity and genuine interest. There was a connection, unspoken yet deeply felt—a shared sense of familiarity and respect. When we parted ways, I felt unsure of what it all meant. It seemed surreal, almost too significant to comprehend. Andrew’s mother on the other hand returned to her husband deeply moved. She was convinced she had met someone remarkable—someone perfect for their son.



They called Andrew later, sharing every detail with excitement and certainty. Moved by their words, Andrew made a decision that would change both our lives: he boarded a plane to Ghana just a week later. When we met, it was as if everything fell into place. We spoke for hours, the connection between us undeniable. There was an instant spark, but more than that, there was recognition—a feeling that we had found a missing piece of ourselves in each other. It was clear we were meant to be, guided by a series of chance moments and the family’s unshakeable support. What began as a near-missed meeting turned into a love story marked by serendipity, faith, and the courage to follow where the heart leads.




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