Ashton Primary School has worked closely with SPAR to donate food to the city’s homeless.
In December the school’s Year 3 class underwent a cookery session where they baked pear and chocolate crumbles.
These treats were then later delivered to Foxton Homeless Day Centre in Preston city centre.
Read more: The Foxton Day Centre faces closure as council to swing axe on homelessness charity’s funding
Ingredients for the crumbles were provided by James Hall & Co. Ltd who had also collaborated with the school and SPAR in October, making Pumpkin and Carrot Soup.
Norman Payne, Year 3 teacher and Deputy headteacher of Ashton Primary School said: “This has been a heart-warming project to be part of during the festive season. Learning how to cook is a valuable life skill and I know the children enjoyed the sessions.
“We are thankful to SPAR for their support in supplying the ingredients and the recipe cards, and it was lovely to be able to visit the centre which does a wonderful job of supporting homeless people in the city.”
James Hall & Co. one of the contributors to this donation is a fifth-generation, family business that bakes in Preston, Lancashire.
It is one of Lancashire’s largest private employers and operates as SPAR UK’s primary retailer, wholesaler and distributor for the North of England.
In a comment to Blog Preston, Wilf Whittle, trading controller at James Hall & Co. Ltd, said: “After the Halloween collaboration with Ashton Primary School, it was a lovely idea to do something a bit more indulgent around Christmas while still utilising fresh and seasonal products with the pears.
“SPAR is a community retailer, and we are very happy to support initiatives like this that give something back, particularly when there is an educational element woven into the project.”
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