Parents encouraged to apply for early childcare fee relief

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Parents are being encouraged to apply for early childcare fee relief, designed to ease the cost of living burden for around 200,000 families.

It comes as 9News revealed exclusive details of the government's $40 million plan to open up more spaces in childcare centres.

Geoffrey-Ross Perez and Taylor enrolled their daughter Autumn at Goodstart Early Learning Elara last year.

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9News reveals exclusive details of the government's $40 million plan to open up more spaces in childcare centres.


And with the government's fee help program, the couple was able to save thousands.

"That relief then allows us to put it towards other things at home like food, clothes for her," Perez told 9News.

With both parents working as full time teachers having the extra support has helped lighten the load.

"We do have that 8am-3pm job so this has been sensational for us. We've been able to ensure she goes to ballet lessons, running lessons."

Introduced in 2023, the Start Strong program is set to benefit 200,000 families again this year.

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9News reveals exclusive details of the government's $40 million plan to open up more spaces in childcare centres.

"It makes pre-school more affordable, you can access this fee relief on top of the childcare subsidy," Minister for Education and Early Learning, Prue Car, said.

Parents who register will save about $4,347 a year for 3-to-5-year-olds attending eligible community and mobile pre schools, equaling up to two free days of childcare a week.

And fees for children at long daycare will be reduced by $2,174 per year for children aged four, and $515 per year for 3-year-olds.

"It is really important for families to access this funding particualrly at a time where families are experiencing financial crisis," Kim Bertino, CEO of children's charity Big Fat Smile said.

9News reveals exclusive details of the government's $40 million plan to open up more spaces in childcare centres.

Its not just parents who will benefit.

9News can reveal the government is extending a trial which sees eligible childcare providers given $500 per 3-year-old child enrolled to go toward educator salaries, resources and program development.

"This extension of this money will ensure centres can actually hire more staff," Car said.

"And more staff means more places."

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