Quebec’s spring 2025 weather forecast is here and it might just rain on your parade

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The classic saying “April showers bring May flowers” usually holds true as we eagerly await warmer days. But for folks in Quebec, it seems like spring might take its sweet time showing up this year.

The Farmer’s Almanac released its 2025 spring forecast for all of Canada on January 23, and it looks like southern Quebec is in for a cool and rainy few months.

According to the Almanac — which predicts weather trends by comparing solar patterns and historical weather conditions with current solar activity — temperatures are expected to dip “below normal” across most of southern Quebec, with April starting off on a wintry note.

Snow showers are predicted in early April before things shift to consistent rain as the month progresses into May. So, if you were hoping for a quick transition to sunny spring weather, you might want to keep those rain boots and winter jackets handy a little longer.

Meanwhile, eastern parts of southern Quebec can also expect above-average precipitation, while the western areas might see slightly less rain. That said, it’s shaping up to be a soggy spring across much of the region.

If you’re up in central or northern Quebec, the news isn’t as gloomy. These areas are set to experience “warmer-than-normal weather” for the first few weeks of spring. While the higher temperatures might sound appealing, they’re also likely to bring plenty of rain, so residents there should prepare for wet conditions, too.

In short, Quebec’s early spring forecast isn’t exactly terrasse-friendly, but that probably won’t stop people from trying!

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