Similoluwa Scott Proves First-Class Degrees Are Possible in a Federal University

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There’s no denying it—excellence has a name, a face, and a story. It’s not just a word we use to describe something remarkable; it’s a quality that speaks for itself. You can’t fake it, and you certainly can’t hide it. When it shows up, everyone takes notice.

Last week, Nigerians on social media gave us something to smile about. For a change, it wasn’t all doom and gloom on our feeds. Instead, it was a celebration of success, of hard work paying off, and of dreams becoming reality. Graduates from the University of Lagos flooded our timelines with their stories—and what a sight it was! While announcing their degrees; they made it a whole event. Think photoshoots with sharp suits and gorgeous gowns, flawless makeup, and beaming smiles.

And among all the celebrations, one name stood out: Similoluwa Scott. Excellence didn’t just knock on her door—it packed its bags, moved in, and set up shop. Now, does this sound like we’re laying it on thick? Maybe a little, but can you blame us? In Nigeria, bagging a first-class degree from a federal university is no small feat. It’s like trying to squeeze a camel through the eye of a needle—challenging, but clearly not impossible.

How does one pull off such a remarkable achievement? How hard is it to get a first-class degree? What’s the secret sauce? Is it late-night study marathons—late-night study marathons, pure genius, sheer grit, or a magical combination of all three? And if you started off with a low GPA, can you still turn things around? We wish we had all the answers for you, but we don’t—this writer didn’t graduate with a first class—but Similoluwa did!

So you’ve got to grab a comfy seat because Similoluwa didn’t hold back. She shared her story and the strategies that helped her graduate at the top of her class. Her journey is one of resilience, hard work, and a whole lot of inspiration.


Graduating as the top student in your department is an incredible achievement! Walking away with such honour muust have felt…

Very fulfilling. Recently, I stumbled upon a note I wrote during one of those nights I stayed up studying, and it instantly brought back the anxiety that came with every every all-nighter. I’m so grateful to God for making this possible—it’s beyond anything I could have imagined. When I started uni, my simple goal was to graduate with a first class, but I guess God decided, “Nah, we don’t do regular here,” and we went on to achieve something truly remarkable.

Graduating as the top student and the only first-class graduate from a department where such grades are rare has given me a unique edge and a confidence boost. It’s the foundation I need to pursue a fulfilling career in academia and geosciences.

The habits or study techniques that really helped you stay on top of your academics were…

Time management and self-awareness. I can’t emphasise enough how important these two are. I was involved in so many activities while in school, so I understand the importance of balance. You can have an active social life and still excel academically. It’s all about finding balance.

Identify your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to studying. For me, I’m a chronic TikTok user, but during exam season, I either switch off my phone leave it with friends far away so I can focus. I also pray—a lot. In fact, I pray twice as hard because, let’s be honest, village people are always working overtime.

Another thing that helped was setting aside time for study sessions with friends. My coursework was very bulky, and it was much faster and easier to learn through discussions and knowledge-sharing.

A lot of people think getting a first class in federal universities is nearly impossible. Based on my experience…

It’s possible, but it’s not easy. For every time you fight for your grades, the education system in Nigeria fights twice as hard against you. Everything feels like a struggle. But the moment I realised it wasn’t just about who could read the most or study the longest, but about the community you build and the grace of God, things changed for me.

As the popular saying goes, “info le yan fin” (information is key). Wise up—don’t try to do it all on your own. Talk to your peers and those in higher levels; they usually have incredibly helpful tips that can make a world of difference. It’s not just about hard work, but also about working smart and leaning on the right people for support.

For students who hope to follow in your footsteps, the practical advice to succeed in their academics would be to…

Have a plan—an actual, tangible goal. You can’t just vibe your way through. Pray, set clear goals, stay disciplined, and surround yourself with friends who will motivate and support you.

Whenever you feel stuck or struggle to stay focused, look up people doing amazing things in your field of study. It always helped me regain perspective and reminded me why I started.

And don’t worry if you didn’t start with a 5.0 or don’t have a record-breaking track record (yet). I began with a 3.5 and, trust me, I struggled and cried a lot. But here’s the thing: if it’s something you’re truly passionate about, it’s never too late to turn things around. Take a deep breath and remember that every small step counts.

You’ve got this!


Photo Credits: Similoluwa Scott

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