Trudeau’s son Xavier is launching a music career and just teased his first track (VIDEO)

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Justin Trudeau’s oldest son, Xavier James Trudeau, dropped some big news over the weekend. And, no, he’s not running for leader of the Liberal Party.

The 17-year-old took to Instagram on Saturday to announce the launch of his music career with a teaser video for his debut R&B track, “‘Til the Night’s Done.”

The clip shows the younger Trudeau walking across a bridge at night, singing lines like, “We could roll some, we could light one.”

If that’s a weed reference, it seems fitting, considering his dad legalized cannabis back in 2018, making Canada only the second country in the world to do so.

While his father, who announced his resignation as Prime Minister earlier this month, has his fair share of political critics, Xavier has received an overwhelmingly positive reaction to his music so far, with many of his 20,000 Instagram followers showing their support.

Montreal-born musician Dan Boeckner chimed in with an X post, writing “I’m actually fine with this AS LONG AS Trudeau Jr Jr is formally banned from entering politics for the rest of his natural life.”

Meanwhile, Xavier’s mom, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau — who announced her split from the Prime Minster in 2023 — didn’t miss the chance to cheer on her son’s latest endeavour, commenting, “Good work guys!”

The full music video for Xavier’s debut single is set to release on February 21, 2025.

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