Dig for Beaumont children drawing to close without breakthrough

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The search for the Beaumont children at a dig site in Adelaide is drawing to a close with no sign of any human remains.

At midday today there was some hope when forensic officers found a change in soil, and thought it might have been the hole two men say they were told to dig by suspect Harry Phipps days after the children went missing. 

But within hours, it had been determined the change of soil was caused by a water pipe. 

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Beaumont Dig Thursday


The North Plympton team, though, hasn't given up hope, and widened the dig this afternoon. 

Already attention has begun turning to a potential new dig hundreds of kilometres away, with a man telling 9News why he believes the crucial clues are on the Yorke Peninsula.

Andrew McIntyre, whose family owns a property in Stansbury, believes his father was involved in the disappearance of the Beaumonts in 1966 and has long maintained that the children were buried at a sinkhole on the property.

"It's been a long time coming … Stansbury has always been the only option," McIntyre said.

Beaumont Dig Thursday

9News understands detectives have looked extensively at the theory the children are buried at the Stansbury site, and don't believe there's any evidence to warrant a search.

The dig at the North Plympton site will continue for another two days.

This article was produced with the assistance of 9ExPress.

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