South African artist to host SHOP Preston exhibition exploring connections people make

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SHOP Preston in Syke Street Pic: Google
Intertwined is coming to SHOP Preston in Syke Street Pic: Google

A South African artist who moved to Preston three years ago is hosting an exhibition at SHOP.

Kate Hutchinson will present the mixed media, multi-artist exhibition – titled Intertwined – at the venue in Syke Street from Thursday 13 to Saturday 15 February.

Kate, who lives near Winckley Square, is working with four other artists from Liverpool, Manchester, London and Preston – all of whom she has met and connected with creatively while living in the UK.

Speaking to Blog Preston about her reasons for organising the exhibition, Kate said: “I’ve always had a love for connecting people.

“My previous exhibition was a collaborative showing of mine and another artist’s work.

“Intertwined is the first time I’ve organised an exhibition, and it’s definitely driven by my want to connect different creative people.”

Each artist’s work will depict a link that’s meaningful to them.

“My photography is showing the connection I have to South Africa,” said Kate. “While Seth’s is showing his connection to Peru through his father.

“Each person’s work will show a connection they or their subject has made, whether it be to a place or another person.”

Kate believes Preston’s creative scene has grown in her three years living in the city, citing the exhibition venue as key to this progress.

“SHOP has definitely become such an important part in bringing the creative people out in Preston.

“I’ve loved seeing local artists explore different ways to show their work and the support within the creative scene is undeniable.

“You can always guarantee you’ll see a familiar face at any exhibition, and count on those connections through any of your own creative endeavours.”

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Kate added: “I would love to put on more exhibitions and have artists from all over submit their work. My hope is to bring even more creatives together.”

You can view some of Kate’s work via @katelensee on Instagram and follow SHOP via @shop_preston on Instagram.

Intertwined opens from 5pm to 8pm on Thursday 13 February, and the launch night is Bring Your Own Drinks. On Friday and Saturday, the exhibition is open from 1pm to 4pm.