If you’re looking for a temporary gig this spring that pays more than minimum wage, Elections Canada is now hiring across the country, and some jobs offer over $26 per hour. Plus, overtime is paid at time and a half.
With an anticipated federal election set to take place this spring, Elections Canada is looking to fill various positions to ensure voting day runs smoothly. The exact election date has yet to be confirmed, but hiring is already underway for jobs in all 338 ridings across Canada.
Along with competitive wages, workers may be expected to clock in longer hours on election day, meaning extra cash will likely be on the table.
Here’s a look at a few widely available positions.
Polling Station Supervisor
Salary: $26.46/hour
Company: Elections Canada
Who Should Apply: To qualify, you must be a Canadian citizen, bilingual, and at least 16 years old on election day.
You need experience in managing large groups to help electors circulate in an orderly fashion, dealing with the public, and conflict resolution.
Deputy Returning Officer
Salary: $20.01/hour
Company: Elections Canada
Who Should Apply: To qualify, you must be a Canadian citizen, bilingual, and at least 16 years old on election day.
You need experience in receiving and recording personal information from the general public, completing paperwork or forms, dealing with the public, and conflict resolution.
Also, you must be tactful, polite and courteous.
Registration Officer
Salary: $20.01/hour
Company: Elections Canada
Who Should Apply: To qualify, you must be a Canadian citizen, bilingual, and at least 16 years old on election day.
You need to have experience in receiving, understanding and recording personal information from the general public, in completing paperwork or forms, and in conflict resolution.
Information Officer
Salary: $20.01/hour
Company: Elections Canada
Who Should Apply: To qualify, you must be a Canadian citizen, bilingual, and at least 16 years old on election day.
You need communication skills to effectively provide direction and instructions, experience in managing large groups to help electors circulate in an orderly fashion, and experience completing simple forms with information from the public or clients.
Also, you must be tactful, polite and courteous.
Positions are also available for advance voting days, and while most election workers serve in their home riding, you can apply to work in another riding of your choice.
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