Lanre Olusola Shares How to Stand Firm in the Face of Adversity on Be Transformed Podcast

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Life will test you. Adversity will challenge you. But you were built to overcome. That’s the message Lanre Olusola shared on the recent episode of Be Transformed Podcast, breaking down the power of abiding faith, the kind that carried Daniel through the lion’s den and sustains anyone facing trials.

Standing firm in the face of adversity isn’t just about endurance. It requires three key pillars: devotion, vigilance, and endurance.

Devotion is about consistency. It strengthens spiritual intelligence through daily practices like prayer, meditation, and mindfulness. Just like physical training prepares an athlete for competition, spiritual discipline prepares you for life’s battles.

Vigilance sharpens discernment. When you are spiritually aware, you don’t just react to challenges, you anticipate them. Through meditation and prayer, you develop the foresight to see obstacles before they arise and the wisdom to navigate them with confidence.

Endurance ensures you’re spiritually trained, able to withstand whatever comes. You can’t run a marathon without practice. You can’t lift heavy weights without training. In the same way, you can’t face adversity unprepared. Your devotion to prayer, fasting, and spiritual discipline builds the resilience you need to push through.

Lanre also emphasised the power of total commitment. He pointed out the unwavering devotion seen in other faiths and belief systems, urging Christians to cultivate that same level of dedication.

According to Lanre, life will test you. Adversity will challenge you. But you were built to overcome.

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