Man survives hours clinging to hull of boat off WA coast

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A 41-year-old man has been rescued after surviving for hours in waters off Rottnest Island overnight.

The search began when police received a distress call about 6pm from the man, who reported that his boat was taking on water.

Despite poor visibility, Water Police and the Police Air Wing launched a search operation to locate the man and his boat.

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The man was found sitting on the upturned hull of his vessel about 11pm.

A marine rescue vessel was directed to the location and rescued the man from the water.  

The man was wearing a life jacket and was uninjured.

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He was taken to land by Fremantle Marine Rescue where he was reunited with his family.  

Police have urged the public to remember the importance of always wearing a life jacket and carrying a registered, up-to-date EPIRB with GPS-enabled tracking to help alert authorities in emergency situations.

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