The 3 Red Flag Signs That Your Friends Aren’t Actually Your Friends

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Despite us Brits being known for our cynicism, a 2023 Kings College London study found that the UK public are among the most trusting globally, with internationally high levels of trust in people of different nationalities, people they meet for the first time, and people they know personally.

Bloody lovely, actually. Bless our hearts.

However, as much as we do really trust our pals and loved ones, one psychologist, Dr Julie Smith has revealed in a TikTok video that some people that you think of as friends are anything but.

Three signs that your friendship is toxic

They don’t celebrate the good times

Yes, we need our friends when the waters are rocky but we also need them to celebrate the good times with us. 

Dr Smith says to keep an eye out for friends who act “differently towards you” when good things happen in your life. “This isn’t friendship, this is a competition. A competition you didn’t know you were in.”

They never apologise or take responsibility when they hurt you

One part of all types of relationships is conflict. It’s unavoidable and you may end up hurting one another. Unless something catastrophic or malicious happens, this can be overcame but Dr Smith warns that if your friend is hesitant to apologise or even acknowledge the harm that they’ve done, they’re not really your friend.

You walk on eggshells around them

This just isn’t a pleasant feeling, is it? When you feel like you need to be excessively careful or ‘fit in’ with your friend, that’s not really a friendship. Friendships are built on foundations of love and acceptance. 

In the caption for the video, Dr Smith says: “If a friendship is taking away from your life rather than adding to it, you have a decision to make.”

Very much noted.

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