23 of the year’s dumbest facepalms to have you hollering all the way into 2022

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Stupid is as stupid does and it doesn’t get much more stupid than this, 23 of the most jaw-dropping facepalms which went viral over the last 12 months.

They all featured prominently in the corner of Reddit called ‘facepalms’ which describes itself as a ‘gallery of inexplicable stupidity’.

And they’ll have you facepalming all the way into 2022.

1. ‘The state of the world’



2. ‘Gun ownership …’


3. ‘Worst Customer Ever’


4. ‘Burn victim’


5. ‘High IQ destruction’


6. ‘I had to teach a historical geology class because the geologist who was supposed to teach is was a Young Earth Creationist’


7. ‘So what’s your point?’


8. “A bioweapon against God”


9. ‘A win/win situation for everyone?’


10. ‘Something seems odd’


11. ‘Yikes …’


12. “Wow, a train that runs without tracks!”


The post 23 of the year’s dumbest facepalms to have you hollering all the way into 2022 appeared first on The Poke.

Source: ThePoke