40 of the funniest and most brutal comebacks of the year

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Everyone loves a good comeback and here are 40 of the funniest and most brutal that we’ve seen in 2021.

1. ‘Gary Lineker leaves Piers Morgan shaken … and stirred’


2. James O’Brien 1, Talk Radio 0′

3. ‘Digby, Lord Jones schooled by a Master’

4. ‘These are not the socialist flag burning tweets that you are looking for’

5. ‘Jonah Hill puts the Daily Rag in its place’

6. ‘Mega oof’

7. ‘Weird Al Yankovic destroys Kid Rock’s new music video’

8. ‘And what if I am?’

9. ‘I already have his body and still no yacht 😢

10. ‘A comeback of biblical proportions’

11.’Stone-cold takedown’

12. ‘Maybe don’t argue with the writer?’

13. ‘CaN’T FinD AnYoNE tO hIrE’

14. ‘He created us perfect’

15. ‘The line between education and brainwashing is paper thin’

16. ‘I’m a rocketman’

17. ‘Don’t know anyone who regrets not getting it’

18. ‘See ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya’

19. ‘That’s a critical hit!!’

20. ‘Dan Walker 1, Piers Morgan 0’

Source: ThePoke